Assigning Tasks to Vendors in OwlOps

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Once you've added a third party vendor to OwlOps you can send requests to assign a task (click here for instructions on how to set up a vendor).

When tasks are assigned to a vendor, they are also always assigned to an internal person to keep track of vendor responses.

To assign a requested task to a vendor, follow these steps: 


  1. From the home screen, choose the type of task you are assigning. 

  2. Fill out the task information form like you would for any other task entry. In the Vendor drop-down, select the vendor you would like to assign the task to. 

  3. The vendor will be notified of the task request and has a few options to reply. 

    A. View Task - automatically opens the OwlOps app where they can see all the details relating to the task they've been assigned.
    B. Acknowledge Receipt - updates the task in the OwlOps app and lets you know they've received the request.
    C. Decline Receipt - updates the task in OwlOps and lets you know that they are unable to complete the request. 
    D. Click to Schedule - updates the task in the OwlOps app and lets you know the vendor has scheduled a time to come.
    E. View All Open Tasks - automatically logs you in to OwlOps to view all open tasks.
    F. Help for Vendors - brings the vendor back to the Knowledge Base.

  4. You will receive a notification to your email (or SMS) when the vendor replies with an update. 
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