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  2. Checklists and Schedules

Adding Line Items to a Checklist

How to enter custom line items to your checklist.

After you've set up the header of your checklist (see creating a new checklist), you can now add custom line items to tailor your checklist needs. To add new line items to your checklist, follow the steps below:


  1. Go to Admin / Checklist

2. To add line items, complete the following:

A. Preview - at any point in time you can preview how your checklist will appear.
B. Type - The dropdown arrow displays various options of the type of item you are creating:
        1. Checkbox - requires checking the box to indicate if completed. 
        2. Number - enter a number (temperature, quantity, etc). 
        3. Text - allows for a description.
        4. Group - if there are multiple items to be grouped in a section, you can group these together (eg. multiple fryers to report on, employee numbers, etc). 
        5. Picture - attach a picture of a checklist item.
        6. Yes/No - allows for easy yes/no answers if the checklist item is complete.
        7. Text and Picture - Attach a picture and add a description. 

C. Name - This is the instruction that will appear on your line item.
D. Header - Allows you to create category headings within your checklist.
E. Description - Chance to add further details to the line item.
F. Group - If you have set up any grouped checklist items (Step 2d) and want to apply a checklist item, select the applicable grouping.  
G. Assigned Task List - If a follow-up task is created within the checklist, the task will be assigned to this category.

3. Once you have completed all of line items, you can preview your checklist to see how it will appear. 

4. Click here for information on how to access and complete a checklist.