Reports - Vendor Task Summary

Review data associated with the Vendor Task Summary

Filter Parameters

  • Task Status - will only include tasks of the selected status
  • Dates - will only include tasks created between selected dates

When selecting CLOSED for task status, the report will only include tasks CLOSED between selected dates


  • Open Tasks - number of tasks matching the parameters
  • Average Open Days - average number of days a task was open
  • Most Days Open - highest number of days a task was open
  • Average Days Assigned - difference between when a vendor was initially contacted and when the task was closed or now
  • Most Days Assigned - highest of difference between when a vendor was initially contacted and when the task was closed or now
  • Awaiting Response - # of tasks where awaiting a response from the vendor
  • Average Response Time - difference between when task was initially assigned to the vendor and their first response, when the task was closed, or now
  • Longest Response Time - highest of difference between when task was initially assigned to the vendor and their first response, when the task was closed, or now