What to expect after demo is complete and interested in starting a trial
1: Company Info
Send Hilary (hilary@owlops.com) company information:
Restaurant list with preference on how you'd like your locations named in OwlOps
Restaurant addresses
Names and contact information (email and phone numbers) for team members and the locations they will need access to
List of Regions / Subregions (if applicable)
Breakdown of workflow assignment
e.g. when a manager creates a task for Equipment, should this go to the DM first? to a specific technician?
2: Schedule Onboarding Meeting with Hilary
Hilary will set up the foundation of the account and then the appropriate contact can schedule a 30-45 minute meeting with Hilary to review and fine-tune the setup using this meeting link: Implementation Meeting.
3: Choose when you want to "go live"
Select a date when the "Welcome Emails" go to your team (right away or schedule a date)
This might include starting with a select group of users or going live with the whole team
4. Ongoing Support
Expect weekly check-ins from OwlOps support
Discuss a plan for features and a achievable timeline for implementing other features (schedules, checklists, inventory, technician timesheets, etc),